ICO Marketing Services Archives - Blog | Appdupe Uber Clone App, Clone Scripts, Taxi Booking Script Source Code Wed, 06 Apr 2022 07:49:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/favicon.ico ICO Marketing Services Archives - Blog | Appdupe 32 32 A drive through the important things you need to know about ICO bounty marketing https://www.appdupe.com/blog/ico-bounty-marketing/ Tue, 05 Apr 2022 11:12:35 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=23608 Marketing your project is just as important as coming up with a quality idea. When it comes to crypto projects, you need to take marketing seriously because the sales rate and the success of your project depend on the efficiency of your marketing. ICO bounty marketing is one efficient strategy that helps increase the visibility […]

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Marketing your project is just as important as coming up with a quality idea. When it comes to crypto projects, you need to take marketing seriously because the sales rate and the success of your project depend on the efficiency of your marketing. ICO bounty marketing is one efficient strategy that helps increase the visibility of your projects while simultaneously increasing their sales. Before we jump into anything regarding the Initial Coin Offering Bounty Marketing Programs, it is important to know what ICO is. Let us start from there!

Initial Coin Offering

If you are an enthusiastic entrepreneur, you will certainly know the importance of capital investment when you start a business. The role they play in startups is indispensable as you need them for the very foundation of your project. Initial Coin Offering platforms in the crypto universe are one of the major blessings that helped people with exceptional crypto projects and not-so-good bank balances. When you seek ICO platforms to kickstart your crypto venture, you can find bounty campaigns if you are lucky enough. Some most reputable platforms offer ICO bounties to encourage both the investors and users while simultaneously marketing their forum. Now let us see what a bounty campaign in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) platform is.

Bounty campaign- ICO version

Bounty, in general, is the set of rewards you receive for dealing with a certain platform. Bounty campaigns are a marketing strategy that ICO platforms use that benefits the users as well. Since there seems to be an increase in the hype for a product when you digitally market it, people tend to adapt bounty marketing for better branding. By branding your platform efficiently you can make an enormous profit. When it comes to bounty marketing, there are two types. They are 

  • Pre ICO Bounty programs
  • Post ICO Bounty programs

Let us discuss both in detail.

Pre ICO Bounty Programmes

Pre ICO Bounty programs are those campaigns that take place before the Initial Coin Offering platform launch. The very objective of these campaigns is to keep people in the know about your upcoming ICO project. You usually advertise your launch on social media and brand it in a way that attracts new customers. By spreading word of mouth, your products create a sense of excitement in people. 

Social Media campaign

Campaigning via social media is one of the killer strategies used by the platform for increasing its visibility. In this strategy, people are assigned social media tasks individually, and after the end of each task, it requests them to submit a report. Then, based on the report submitted, the individuals get their rewards. Usually, these bounty programs are carried out on social media platforms to increase awareness of the rewards and updates of an ICO in the crypto community. The common pre ICO bounty programs are as follows.

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  • Social Media Bounty campaign

It is a program based on an individual’s social media engagement and activities about the crypto project. The reward the participants get is calculated based on their performance in terms of resharing posts, retweeting, sharing stories, and more. The regularly used social media platforms for this kind of pre-ICO campaign are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. 

  • Article Writing Bounties

This program allows bloggers who have a large following base to write featured blogs and articles regarding the ICO project. The participants of this campaign get their rewards based on the engagement and the quality of the blog. 

  • BitCoinTalk Signature Bounties

This campaign is peculiar for the users in the Bitcointalk forum. The Initial Coin Offering platform hands over to you a sign with a code inscribed on it. You get the rewards based on your ranking, which is decided by the number of stakes you get.

  • Post ICO Bounty Programmes

Post ICO Bounty Programmes are those campaigns that happen after the launch of the ICO platforms. These campaigns are carried out as a process to invite investors and users to the Initial Coin Offering platform. The main objective of carrying out these campaigns is to make improvements based on the feedback the project community receives. The most popular post-ICO campaigns are as follows. 

  • Translations Campaign Bounties

This campaign involves the translation of documents regarding the crypto project that suits non-English people like Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, German, etc. It involves translating crypto websites, white papers, and more of such types. 

  • Bug Reporting Bounties

It is the strategy ICO platforms use to find out the errors in crypto projects that technical teams usually fail to address. Apart from being an exceptional way to market your crypto projects, it also helps developers to come up with more efficient projects in the future.  

Wrapping up,

Contacting an ICO Marketing agency like us that is potential enough to increase the brand value of your crypto project is one effective way to ensure that you get the results you expect. 

Reach us out to learn more about ICO Bounty campaigns!

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All You Need To Know About ICO Community Marketing! https://www.appdupe.com/blog/ico-community-marketing/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:43:25 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=23544 Are you an aspiring entrepreneur wondering how to set up a start-up? Have you thought of taking loans from banks while still being worried about facing a loss in your business? Then you would know the importance of an investment in a company. You only get back something when you put in something. It is […]

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Are you an aspiring entrepreneur wondering how to set up a start-up? Have you thought of taking loans from banks while still being worried about facing a loss in your business? Then you would know the importance of an investment in a company. You only get back something when you put in something. It is the way the universe works. You can never get anything for free in this world.

A simple example would be the Canadian pop singer Justin Beiber. People only see the grown-up Justin and his popularity and worth. However, no one realizes that it is just the profit he earns through his investment in music and his dedication to producing quality. 

Importance of Capital

Capital investment is the most important step for laying the foundation of a business. Any business, for that matter, requires you to invest a minimum amount in kick-starting. It is the first most important step you must take to start your own business. When it comes to creating a virtual platform, an initial investment plays a vital role. ICO platforms benefit investors and the companies that need capital the most in the NFT community. As we all know, it has not been so long since digital assets came into existence. However, they seem to have gained great value in a very short period. This growth, though, is great for entrepreneurs, people still do not know how deep the waters are, and hence it is necessary to get an insight about it before stepping into it. 

What is ICO?


ICO Marketing Services Company

ICO refers to Initial Coin Offering. When you first tokenize a digital collectible or a crypto project, you would indeed need financial support and investors who would trust your business. However, finding such potential investors is not always possible. That is why Initial Coin Offering(ICO) platforms were introduced. Imagine how hard it would be to go around explaining your crypto projects to people and convince them to invest in you. However, the introduction of ICO forms simplified the whole process. 

How does an ICO platform work?

The working of an Initial Coin Offering is quite simple. It is just like any other fundraising platform. However, here you need to come up with a perfect proposal for your project. You first need to get your white paperwork done right. Once that is done, you could list your project on any of the best ICO platforms that would get you, potential investors. Even after listing, you must make sure your project stays at the top of the list. By using killer marketing strategies, you can advertise your project and keep your ideas at the top and prominent enough to catch the attention of potential investors who will entrust you with their money. Let us now see the major benefits of ICO community Marketing

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Benefits of an ICO community Marketing

  • Creates a positive network
  • Easiest and Fastest fundraising method.
  • Helps reach potential investors through digital marketing
  • Benefits both investors and users
  • High liquidity
  • The potential for higher levels of profit
  • Mainly requires digital marketing
  • Exposure towards successful projects

No matter how much of a high-quality ICO platform you have, you can never enjoy its maximum benefits if you do not market it right. So, how can you brand your ICO community?

ICO community marketing strategy

Marketing strategies play an indispensable role when it comes to delivering your brand name and value across continents. When it comes to marketing strategies, you cannot employ the same old ones everywhere. Each product has its own kind of strategy. You need to be extra cautious with the virtual collectibles and platforms as they have been in existence only for a few years now. So what can you do to increase your brand value and sales when it comes to platforms like the ICO community? Well, you can trust a reputable ICO marketing company like Appdupe. 

Appdupe for marketing?

The highly qualified professionals in our company make sure they provide you with the most winning strategies that will uplift your sales and brand name. We will ensure that you get expert guidance from the start until the end of the process. They will ensure to employ timely strategies that will help improve your marketing performances in no time. Discord marketing and influencer marketing are currently two pillars of promoting your ICO business. They have continuously proved to excel by adopting winning strategies ever since the emergence of Initial Coin Offering platforms.  

Wrapping up,

If you wish to uplift your brand value and name in a short span and make it sustain long-term, then you could find no better marketing services provider than Appdupe. We guarantee you quality service, a friendly approach, and visible improvement in a short span. What are you waiting for? Sign up right now!

Click here to know more about ICO community marketing.

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ICO listing services- from basics to the latest https://www.appdupe.com/blog/ico-listing-services/ Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:27:14 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=23451 The beginning point of anything is an investment. Be it life or business, we all need investment to get started. The Bangtan Boys – BTS that are now the pride of South Korea were once nobody. It was their investment into making quality music and the dedication they showed towards improving the already- impeccable skills […]

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The beginning point of anything is an investment. Be it life or business, we all need investment to get started. The Bangtan Boys – BTS that are now the pride of South Korea were once nobody. It was their investment into making quality music and the dedication they showed towards improving the already- impeccable skills that made them grow and glow. Now the whole world is going crazy about them. Reminds me of something similar. Well! yeah, NFTs. Initially, when NFTs and Cryptocurrencies were introduced, people distrusted them. However, they seem to have accepted and adopted these virtual tokens in various disciplines now. If you are a crypto enthusiast looking for funds for your new Cryptocurrency offering, here is what you need to do. 

ICO- A quick note

ICO means Initial Coin Offering. It is a fundraising platform for new Cryptocurrency offerings. Raising capital for a new crypto project is not an easy joke. Though people are now gradually educating themselves about the value of digital assets, some people are still scared of getting scammed by them. Most of the time, people fear that these fancy crypto stuff will not last for a long time. Though the millennial era and the Gen z era have brought about a million instances that prove that they will be the future of the world, not many come forward to invest in it. However, a few strategic business people still trust the glowing future humankind has in cryptocurrencies. To find those people and raise capital is why you need to list your crypto project in an Initial Coin Offering platform.

How do I list my crypto project on an ICO platform?

Listing your ICO is crucial for finding an investor to fund your capital for your crypto project. Until your token gets on the top of the list, you will remain unnoticed by the investors. So, the secret to getting a potential investor is to make sure your project tops the ICO listing. To get your token to the top, you need to employ master marketing strategies to attract people and spread your brand name. The more you increase your brand value, the more visibility your project will receive. More visibility naturally increases the number of investors that knock at your door to fund your business. Sounds ironic. However, you will believe it when the knocks at your door sound louder than the irony. 

How do I increase the visibility?

An element as old as time- Marketing. Marketing your ICO right is the only way to increase the visibility of your project. But the thing about marketing is that you can never use the same techniques and expect different results. It is a ground for trial and error. However, you cannot afford to make errors when someone entrusts you with their money. Not only will you lose your resources and time, but also your reputation and your investors’ trust. So, what can you do instead? You can go for the winning marketing strategies that are already in existence. 

Killer strategies for marketing your crypto tokens

Like any other product marketing, ICO listing marketing has a set of strategies that work time and time again. As you read on, you can get to know a few of the killer ICO Marketing listing services we offer to promote your ICO all the way to the top.

Content marketing  

Telling stories never gets old because it is told when it is old. Penning down words that attract your investors is one of the most effective ways to get a huge fund for your project. A pen is always mightier than a sword, they say. Therefore, the more convincing your words are, the more power they render. That is how powerful words are. 

Social media marketing

You need to shift your focus towards branding your project the way it reaches both celebrities and common people for it to be more visible. Posting on Instagram and debating on Twitter has become a routine today. Nowadays, people might forget to eat but never fail to send snaps to their friends. Therefore, marketing your project on social media is the best way to get the investors’ notice. 

Discord marketing

Discord marketing tops the list of marketing strategies now. You can connect with a huge community of people and communicate about your project, making it the best platform to market your crypto projects. Making several servers on the platform and promoting your product on them, is a great way to increase the brand value of your product. Since the forum is free of algorithms, you can rest assured knowing none of the consumers in the community miss any information about your NFTs.   

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the most efficient ways to capture a multitude of audiences for your product. The more huge the influencer’s fan base is, the more exposure your product gets. You can see many Instagram influencers marketing different products to attract people. It is natural for people to listen to their favorite stars and sports personalities when they recommend something. Influencer marketing is a strategy that helps you reach a wider audience. When the influencer you use for marketing your project has a worldwide audience like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, MS Dhoni, or Gary Vaynerchuck, your project would obviously become more visible and get to the top of the list in a short period. 

Wrapping up,

Trusting a reputable ICO listing service provider like AppDupe gives you a better user experience and ensures your Initial Coin Offering tops potential investors’ lists and charms. It provides increased visibility to your crypto project, opening doors of opportunities for your project to develop and succeed.

Check us out to learn more about our ICO listing services!

The post ICO listing services- from basics to the latest appeared first on Blog | Appdupe.

ICO Marketing Agency That Puts Your Project to the Masses https://www.appdupe.com/blog/ico-marketing-agency/ Sat, 12 Mar 2022 12:17:10 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=23413 The 2017 ICO boom, which saw blockchain startups raise more than $5 billion, spawned a slew of ICO-focused marketing firms dedicated to assisting startups with their token sale marketing efforts. Your business will not reach the people you want to achieve and will not grow if you don’t have a good marketing strategy. Furthermore, companies […]

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The 2017 ICO boom, which saw blockchain startups raise more than $5 billion, spawned a slew of ICO-focused marketing firms dedicated to assisting startups with their token sale marketing efforts.

Your business will not reach the people you want to achieve and will not grow if you don’t have a good marketing strategy. Furthermore, companies find it difficult to bring their projects to investors for exposure and significant credibility in the market due to the complexity of blockchain and its relative inexperience in the investing world.

This article will explore the rising popularity of ICO-based fundraising strategies and their whereabouts.

The Rise of Crypto Fundraising Concepts

Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that uses an online ledger and strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Even though cryptocurrencies facilitate digital trading most often, they also bolster fundraising campaigns in their quest to raise capital.

For many years, cryptocurrencies were only available to security-conscious early adopters, but as their popularity grew, they became more widely available, thanks in part to crypto exchange apps. You are no longer required to comprehend the complexities of crypto mining or blockchain technology. You can now buy and sell Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies using popular fintech apps like Robinhood.

The crypto exchange market is incredibly competitive. Not only do well-known fintech apps like Robinhood and Square’s Cash App provide crypto services, but there are also apps dedicated solely to cryptocurrency, such as Coinbase. You’ll need a crypto marketing strategy if you want to compete in this crowded market.

AppDupe’s Version of ICO Marketing

Promoting an ICO project is a unique challenge. Cryptocurrency users are a passionate but still small community. Finding them and tailoring your ICO marketing strategy to their needs will necessitate a systematic approach to crypto marketing, armed with the data and tools necessary to make informed marketing decisions.

Zeroing in On The Target Investors

Understanding your target investors is the bedrock of any ICO marketing campaign. What features do the potential investors want in a project? Is there a particular cryptocurrency that they prefer? What are the characteristics that they value the most? Focusing your message on these points can help build trust in your ICO project, but getting to know your investors will help you determine what kind of messages they’ll respond.

Do you wonder – how does an ICO marketing agency like AppDupe do it? Here is how:

  • Email Marketing helps us to establish the project’s image for the potential investors constantly.
  • Social Media marketing ensures that we always keep tabs on their investment preferences.
  • Whitepaper Drafting enables us to engineer an all-in-one document (about your project) that educates every investor.
  • A Google analytics-linked project-specific website monitors target investors’ search preferences.

Catering Within Your Budget

An ICO marketing budget encompasses how much your project can accommodate for marketing over a specific period. If you’re embarking on the task of creating an ICO marketing strategy, you’ll need a budget to keep you on track financially. You’ll be able to keep track of how much you spend on each strategy, whether you’re overspending, and whether you can spend more if you create a marketing budget. If you don’t create a marketing budget, you’ll most likely end up overspending, which could lead to your business failing.

Tracking & Optimizing The Campaign

Tracking your ICO marketing campaign is essential for determining which of your strategies are effective – which needs to be tweaked – and which should be shelved. Knowing where your conversions are coming from can help you decide where to spend your money and which new channels to try.

Testing different marketing variations is an important part of determining what works. You can fine-tune your messaging to produce the best possible results by A/B testing things like color schemes or calls-to-action. You’ll need to find the right partners to get the granular data that will help you optimize every aspect of your campaign.

Consistent Communication

We, at AppDupe, prioritize a two-way communication module to solve our clients’ queries without any delay. We consistently update (our clients) on how the process works. Effective communication is an optional bonus item, but it is insightful and useful for a marketing agency. You can show how your product works in an animated format or show a behind-the-scenes look at the team/office or any other “people element” that can help build trust in the anonymous crypto world. Any bonus information that is shared is like a cherry on top.

Start preparing your ICO Marketing Plan Today!

If you’re ready to dive into creating your ICO marketing plan and hire a marketing agency, AppDupe is here to help. With 10+ years of experience, we know how to prepare a crypto-specific marketing plan that works for your business’s unique needs.

How to Put Together An ICO Marketing Campaign?

The post ICO Marketing Agency That Puts Your Project to the Masses appeared first on Blog | Appdupe.

Productive Strategies Of ICO Marketing For A Successful Fundraising Campaign https://www.appdupe.com/blog/strategies-of-ico-marketing/ Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:50:01 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=22980 A successful fundraising campaign comes with effective ICO marketing services. With the rising popularity of cryptocurrency today, people are interested in early investment in crypto projects. However, on the other hand, it is not easy to win over the trust of investors. This is because of the possibility of scams in the crypto industry.  Is […]

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A successful fundraising campaign comes with effective ICO marketing services. With the rising popularity of cryptocurrency today, people are interested in early investment in crypto projects. However, on the other hand, it is not easy to win over the trust of investors. This is because of the possibility of scams in the crypto industry. 

Is it enough to launch an Initial Coin Offering to raise funds? The first impression of the project decides the success rate of the project. So what do you have to do before taking the first step on launching your fundraising campaign? 

Here you will be able to learn everything about ICO marketing strategies. You will be able to get pre-requisites before launching your ICO campaign and the checklist to achieve a successful ICO launch. 

How Does ICO Marketing Service Help In Raising Your Funds? 

Initial Coin Offering is one of the fundraising models used by businesses that build projects on blockchain technology. If a business is launching an ICO, then it is launching its token or coin to the public. The token or coin launched is open for sale and investors can buy these tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies or even fiat currencies.  The funds from these sales are used for the project development. 

The main aim of blockchain technology is to introduce decentralization in currency exchange. There are scams in launching ICO marketing services due to their unregulated nature. However, investors are interested to invest in ICOs because they are profitable and the potential future of blockchain technology. 

Leave it in the hands of experienced experts. Connect with us now

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What Are The Pre-Requisites You Should Check Before Launching An ICO? 

Before getting ready for launching and marketing an ICO campaign it is really important to check whether your business is ready to launch an ICO. Here is a list of pre-requisites you must look into.  

  1. A flawless project plan is essential before launching an ICO. A proper plan even before taking the first step helps in continuing the path without any obstacle. The project plan must clearly portray the goals and objectives and the steps to achieve them.
  2. The usage of Blockchain technology must be clear. There must be a clear aim to use the decentralized P2P network and the usage of the cryptographic token.
  3. It is essential to decide the type of cryptographic token that will be suitable for the business model. There are several cryptographic tokens that can be offered like security tokens, utility tokens, equity tokens, and debt tokens. Go through their functions in detail and decide which token will be suitable for your business model. 
  4. Market research is essential to devise the marketing plan. It is important to dig deep and find out the target audience. Finding the target audience, the size of the market, and the required initial funds is obligatory. 

 There is still one more pre-requisite that plays a significant role in the success of the ICO. It is important to have an efficient team to develop and market the fundraising campaign

As said earlier, the first impression of the ICO decides the success of the fundraising campaign. An efficient team for marketing includes

  • Project organizer
  • PR specialists
  • Social media specialist
  • Technical support team
  • Customer support team

We at Appdupe, with our expert team members, provide top-class marketing services along with a live analytic report to bring you a successful outcome.

 A Checklist Of Marketing Strategies

 There are many marketing strategies that might have given proven results for various businesses. But the strategy that worked best for others might not work for your business model. Proper market research before taking the first step can help in devising the right strategy. 

 Here is a checklist of common Marketing strategies that every ICO use to march toward the path of success

 Whitepaper drafting

The first impression of an ICO is usually created by the whitepaper. It is essential to have a flawless whitepaper that includes the details of the project, technical and financial information along legal terms and conditions. The background of the project team members, goals, and development of the project must also be detailed in the whitepaper.

An optimized landing page

It is the next major means to reach out the potential investors. The website must be search engine optimized and should include the whitepaper of the ICO. In addition, the website must also include the details of team members, updates on the project development, and the road map of the project.

Social Media Marketing

Nowadays, social media is one of the most used marketing tools to reach out to a lot of potential investors quickly. Crypto traders mostly spend their time on a number of social media platforms. Updating the community about the project development and connecting with them on these platforms on a daily basis is obligatory.  Make sure to concentrate on social media platforms like

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Quora
  • Reddit

PR Marketing

Public relation-building ensures creating brand awareness. Opting for press releases and other PR related activities might help in taking the ICO to the masses.

Content marketing

Having professional writers to brief the project on major blogging forums is essential. Publishing well-written blogs on major blogging forums can help in explaining the project better.

E-mail marketing campaigns

This is a targeted marketing tactic that would help in reaching out to potential investors personally. 

Community management

Investors will always have questions before they invest in the project. There should be a professional team to answer their questions. Creating a list of FAQs and answering them on the website will bring out reliability. 

In conclusion, it is challenging to manage the ICO development, launch, and marketing. Appdupe with a team of professionals dedicated to working on every marketing strategy is ready to bring you success at your doorsteps. We can devise a customized marketing strategy for your unique ICO. 

 Wrap up

A professional ICO Marketing Services like ours can provide you with more strategies like Discord marketing, influencer marketing display advertising, and many other marketing strategies like ICO listing. ICO marketing is simple now by availing our best digital marketing services along with quality community management services. Hire us today and discuss your business to get a clear understanding today.

The success of your ICO is just a few clicks away

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Latch On To Promote Your ICO Effectively Through Best ICO Marketing Strategies https://www.appdupe.com/blog/best-ico-marketing-strategies/ Thu, 09 Dec 2021 12:25:26 +0000 https://www.appdupe.com/blog/?p=22745 ICO is the newly identified crowdfunding mechanism to raise funds for Crypto based startups. It is widely followed by entrepreneurs across the globe to raise funds for Cryptocurrency related projects or for startups. ICO is merely a crowdfunding mechanism that can help entrepreneurs raise funds for their startups. The success of an ICO depends on […]

The post Latch On To Promote Your ICO Effectively Through Best ICO Marketing Strategies appeared first on Blog | Appdupe.

ICO is the newly identified crowdfunding mechanism to raise funds for Crypto based startups. It is widely followed by entrepreneurs across the globe to raise funds for Cryptocurrency related projects or for startups. ICO is merely a crowdfunding mechanism that can help entrepreneurs raise funds for their startups. The success of an ICO depends on how well it is marketed to the public. 

ICO marketing is nothing but promoting the crowdfunding campaign for crypto projects among the masses. Only if the campaign is promoted, the investors will come forward to invest their funds. If you are someone focusing on launching your ICO, then you might be aware of how important it is to promote them. This blog will cater to you with every information about effective ICO marketing services. Over to the blog! 

What Is ICO Marketing?

ICO is regarded as the best way to raise funds in Cryptocurrencies and blockchain-related businesses. Several startups have benefited from ICO crowdfunding. During the traditional crowdfunding campaigns, which were primarily focused on office room setups, there was a lot of chaos revolving around the individuals. Ever since the foraying of the Initial Coin Offering, crowdfunding has been simplified to reach people. 

Effective marketing strategies are what make you go strong in ICO campaigns. ICO marketing is all about promoting the ICO on large banners to attract potential investors for the startups. In simple terms, you have to make the public aware of the campaign through different marketing channels. Upon developing an ICO, the next big thing you do is opt for ICO marketing services. The more effective the ICO marketing, the more will be the number of investors. 

Got any ideas for opting for ICO marketing services?

Various services that constitute ICO marketing includes, 

Create a deceive whitepaper 

The first prospective communication with the investors gets initiated through whitepapers. It is the heart of the ICO that clearly states every necessary information about the crowdfunding event. A professional whitepaper includes all the technical details about the project along with the benefits to be incurred through it. 

Start developing a creative website 

An enticing ICO website is the foundation of your ICO campaign because this is where your investors will get to know about your profile. The website should have divisions and sections for explaining various aspects associated with your organization. Opting for a simple UI adds more feathers to your cap.

Opt for paid advertisements 

Paid advertisements are one of the best ways to promote your ICO campaign. You can utilize the paid advertisement streams available in social media networks and search engines to market your campaign. Opting for Google Adwords is one of the finest ways for paid advertisements. But you have to keep an eye on the metrics to see if it is on track. 

Utilize social media channels 

Social media networks are the best way to market a business or a brand. The increased user base and potentiality to reach a large audience is what makes it an ideal option for digital marketing. Social media networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook are flooded with business users. When you advertise or post content related to ICO marketing, it will definitely attract them. You can also address the user queries through Reddit and Quora. The ICO marketing companies will post short videos on Instagram, YouTube, and Telegram where the user traffic is high. 

You can also make use of platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, Cointelegraph, and News Bitcoins to largely attract the Crypto buffs. 

Email marketing 

This is one of the old-school ideas that has not faded away yet. You can send newsletters with newly added features to your ICO among the investors. This will help you keep them engaged with daily updates about your ICO campaign. 

Public relations 

The recent development in your ICO can be expressed to your investors through press releases and bulletins. The informative content related to your ICO has to be shared across popular social mediums. You can also outsource to any agency that has a good reputation in handling public relations. 

Affiliate marketing 

This is a budget-friendly method where you can hire a team and allot them different tasks. It plays a great role in getting more leads for your ICO campaigns. Instant updates related to trends and facts can be reached through this medium. 

Listing and ranking ICO 

Apart from listing the ICO on your website, you can also aim at launching them on other third-party websites. This will improve the brand visibility, and you can also draw more potential investors to your platform. 

Organizing bounty programs 

This ICO marketing strategy involves distributing the rewards and incentives among the participants for the piece of tasks that they complete in advance. This will help you spread more awareness about the ICO. 

Influencer marketing 

In this type of marketing, you can hire celebrities/influencers and ask them to market your ICO in their Instagram or Facebook accounts. This is one of the widely followed methods to market a product or service in general. 

Search engine optimization 

This will uplift your search engine results and rankings. This will eventually increase the website traffic and result in an increase in the number of investments for your ICO. Spreading your links across several websites will bring in more investors. 

Organize Airdrop campaigns

The Airdrop campaigns allow you to give away free tokens to the registered users of a specific blockchain network. They will, in turn, become active members of your community. You can utilize platforms like Airdropalert, Airdropaddict, and Airdroptracker to generate more propulsion for your ICO. 

Wrapping Up

ICO marketing plays a huge role in the success of a crowdfunding event. AppDupe is a numero uno ICO marketing agency that can assist you in promoting your ICO services among a large number of masses. Contact us right away to know more about us! 


Grab our ICO marketing services to promote your crowdfunding campaign

The post Latch On To Promote Your ICO Effectively Through Best ICO Marketing Strategies appeared first on Blog | Appdupe.
